Sticky Sticky Sticky
Image of Sticky Bun
We may like our buns sticky but not faces during dermaplaning.


Sticky, sticky, sticky
Is your prep putting you in a sticky situation?

Some toners don’t layer well with oil and may become sticky resulting in dangerous dermaplaning.

Sticky and oily? Sounds weird but it happens.

When we do collaborations, we use as many of our brand partner’s products as possible. This includes their pre-treatment toners. Even after reading through ingredients, we’ve found that not all of them work. After we prep with the toner and Nourishe Dermaplaning Oil, it usually feels good. It’s only when I start dermaplaning that I notice the blade isn’t gliding smoothly on the skin. There’s a resistance or stickiness that impedes the smooth glide. Yikes! The results from just a few passes revealed one thing: This isn’t working!

So how do you know if your prep combo isn’t working?

If the blade feels like it’s not gliding smoothly, like it’s sticking even though your fingers may slide easily. It’s the toner and oil combo that’s not working. If the cleanser wasn’t completely removed, that can also cause stickiness. Usually though, it’s the toner.

So when your bracing and tension are good, your blade angle is 45 degrees and you’re thinking, “This just doesn’t feel right,” then feel for stickiness or resistance interfering with the blades’ smooth glide on the skin. Consider if stickiness is the problem.

We try a lot of toners for our collaborations, some are ok and work just fine. Others, we have to start over and replace with our AHA/BHA Skin Prep.

How do you fix it?
Cleanse with a foaming gel cleanser and remove completely (steam towels work best), prep with our AHA/BHA Skin Prep solution on a gauze pad using medium pressure, then add a fine layer (1-2 pumps) of Nourishe Dermaplaning Oil and dermaplane. You should notice a difference right away.

Not sure about your fav. toner? Give it a try on your thigh. Cleanse, Prep, Nourishe, dermaplane. How does it glide? Feel? Results? Then you’ll know if it’s a “go” or a “no” and you can dermaplane your clients with confidence!

Happy dermaplaning
Rikki Kusy
Founder & CEO
DermaplanePro, Inc.

Comments (4)

  1. Ion interested in taking ur online course
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  2. Ion interested in taking ur online course
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  3. Omodele Ogungbola
    3 years ago

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