Woman enjoying social media content via her mobile phone
Are you educating your clients?
When people say they are the expert, nobody really believes them.
But, when you educate people, you become their expert.

Sharing your knowledge creates loyalty and attracts new followers.

When you post educational content what do you want the viewer to come away with?
“I didn’t know that – this makes so much sense” I wonder what else I didn’t know. What else have they posted on skin care? Scrolls through all of your content. You want your content to become your potential customer’s rabbit hole (engagement for a really long time).
Good social media content gets shared, especially among friends. If you post something informative about acne-prone skin, chances are one of your followers will share it with a friend dealing with acne-prone skin. Be sure to use appropriate hashtags as another potential way of getting into people’s feed. Encourage engagement by asking followers what they want to learn about or what skin/lash/wax/etc. issues are they dealing with. This not only gives you more ideas for social media content you can create but it also starts to build a connection that can lead to a loyal client.

Social media topics for estheticians.

Here are some topics you can run with:
  1. Why your esty asks what products you use.
  2. Why your esty asks you about your skincare routine.
  3. Why your esty asks about the makeup you’re using.
  4. Your first appointment with an esty. What to expect.
  5. What kind of client are you? A fun facial every once in a while? Regular visits to improve skin health and treat concerns? Why both are ok!
  6. Professional skincare products vs. products sold online, in stores aka direct-to-consumer.
  7. Why your esty sends you home with post-treatment products.
  8. Ways to enhance and prolong the benefits of your facial (skincare service).
  9. What not to do after your skincare service.
  10. What to do when you have a reaction to a product.
  11. When you visit me for your next appointment, bring your makeup brushes/applicators and I will clean them for you. Why this is important (education and an offer to get them to book).
  12. How to prepare for your waxing appointment.
  13. The difference between your first wax and the second wax appointment.
  14. Post-wax home care.
  15. I know it’s tempting but don’t shave between wax appointments. Here’s why…
  16. At-home exfoliation. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  17. At-home peels. Why and why not.
  18. How to prepare for your lash appointment.
  19. Taking care of new lashes.
  20. The difference between a full set of lashes and lash fills (time, cost, etc.).
This should give you plenty of ideas to get started.
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Happy Dermaplaning.
Rikki Kusy
Founder & CEO
DermaplanePro, Inc.


We don’t like to have to remind you but our lawyers insist. Everything on our website, videos, social posts, DVD’s, manuals, blogs, marketing materials, company name, logo, etc. is copyright and trademark protected. Please respect our intellectual property. If you have questions, please call. If you want to train for us and be part of the team – let us know. We’d be happy to discuss it with you. If you’re looking to steal, please think twice. Karma is real and so is our legal team.

Comments (6)

  1. NancyNancy Taylor
    2 years ago

    I’m trying to order #10D dermaplan blades. I’m not sure where I order????

  2. Maria Murray
    2 years ago

    So Excited to keep learning and using your product absolutely love it Thank you

    • Michelle McLemore
      1 year ago

      Thank you Maria! We’re so happy to help you with your dermaplaning career!

  3. Sima shenasaei
    1 year ago

    I need to order a Dermaplaning blad

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